The legendary Julius Schwartz (1915-2004), together with Mort Weisinger, created the first science fiction fan magazine, The Time Traveller, in 1932 and founded the first literary agency to specialize in fantasy and science fiction two years later. On his own, from 1936 to 1944 he represented a number of well-known SF writers, including Ray Bradbury, Robert Bloch and Alfred Bester. In 1939 he helped organize the very first World Science Fiction Convention in New York City.
In 1944 he began what would go on to not only cement his legacy among DC Comics fans but would turn out to be one of the longest editorial stints – 45 years – in the history of the industry. While most closely associated with Superman, Schwartz also worked on just about every type of comic book the company published. Under his direction, artists and writers like Gardner Fox, Carmine Infantino, Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson re-created a number of comics into more modern versions, including titles like The Flash, Green Lantern and The Justice League of America. He launched DC’s Science Fiction Graphic Novels, adaptations of stories by well-known SF writers such as Harlan Ellison and Larry Niven. But it is for his work on the Man of Steel that he is most fondly remembered by fans. Indeed, Schwartz edited the entire line of Superman books for 16 years, longer than even Stan Lee’s legendary 112-issue run on the Fantastic Four.
In 1984, “Julie” received the Forry Award from the Los Angeles Fantasy Society for “Service to the Field of Science Fiction.” He received the First Fandom Hall of Fame Award at the 44th World Science Fiction Convention in 1986. For his work on comics he has received the Shazam, Eagle, Inkpot, Alley and Jules Verne Awards.